Thursday, January 27, 2011

der Titel

German is a useful and entertaining language.

Take “schadenfreude.” It’s German for “pleasure in the misfortune of others.” Being full of schadenfreude may not be an attractive trait, but who hasn’t experienced that? I’m sure it’s a pretty common human experience. It’s a useful word. Also, it’s a surprisingly pleasant sounding word for being Germanic. What’s really important, though, is that there is no English word equivalent to “schadenfreude.”

Schadenfreude” needs to find it’s way into everyday English usage. It has found it’s way to some extent, but not as much as it should. I keep thinking of it as overly used and trendy word--which does seem inevitable--but I swear I have to keep explaining it. Sometimes more than once.

Come on, people! Lisa Simpson explained it to Homer almost a decade ago! If that isn’t a free ride into the layperson’s lexicon, what is?

There’s a couple of German words I love because they’re funny and sound like an old Vaudevillian speaking fake German. “Puppenspiel” means “puppetry,” or literally “doll play.” “Pulverkaffee” is German for “instant coffee.” Honestly, if you asked someone what German for puppetry is, would you take “puppenspiel” seriously? If I could work it into everyday conversation, though, I would.

Anyway, I have a new favorite German word: “backpfeifengesicht.” It’s probably my new favorite word period. It means “a face that needs punched.” How great is that? And how useful!? I’m probably extra excited by this word because there’s a certain someone I’ve been dealing with lately that really needs her fiefing face punched. Who doesn’t have one or more people like that in their lives?

It’s a little hard to learn to pronounce, but I did find a nice pronunciation guide. (I especially like the male German’s voice.) One drawback to the word someone pointed out to me is that it kind of sounds like one is saying “butt fucking dyke” when saying “backpfeifengesicht.” That’s a small price to pay. Plus, it does make it a little easier to remember.

I originally learned “backpfeifengesicht” from this article at is one of my favorite sites. I read it way too much, and I suggest you do, too.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bye, Keith

I’m sad that Keith Olbermann has left MSNBC.

I’m surprised by how sad I am about it.

Often, I’ve heard that television stars are perceived as intimate friends because viewers welcome them into their homes weekly or nightly (as opposed to movie stars who are bigger than life events one goes out to see). I’ve always accepted that logic, as it makes rhetorical sense and I’ve made casual observations to back it up. I never thought I personally experienced that phenomenon, though.

Keith Olbermann leaving MSNBC feels like I’ve lost a friend. A good friend, at that.

I was politically aware before I started watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann, but it was an awkward stage in which I was coming out of being turned off by politics largely because my parents and I had very different political views. Olbermann helped me through that awkward stage. His show was a bridge to my current habit of watching or reading the news daily, and helped me figure out what was really important to me and what to focus on. If you’ve ever had a friend help you figure out a part of yourself, you know that creates a deep bond and fierce loyalty. Apparently, it happens with television friends, too.

No, Olbermann is not perfect. I’ve made fun of him for being a peacock (those pinstriped suits!), for having a sizeable ego, and maybe getting too worked up at times. I rib my real-life friends, too, which only results in my being even more fond of them. Perhaps he was too single minded at times, but whenever I disagreed with him, it was a respectful disagreement. Also, I like his damned pinstriped suits. I love charming assholes, and even at his most ego-driven and bombastic, he was always charming.

What makes me sad on top of my personal loss is the loss of an eloquently loud voice of the left. Keith Olbermann was a reasonable counterpart to voices on the right. The key word, here, being “reasonable.” Even at the most partisan end of the spectrum, the loud voices of the left are at least reasonable. The right, however, is allowed to be fucking nuts. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh are all crazy, lying, hate-mongers that keep ratcheting up the rhetoric, and they still have their programs without any signs of going away. It’s very hard to be reasonable and still get any attention in today’s political environment. Keith Olbermann could do it. The already unbalanced noise competition just tilted in the right’s favor even more with Olbermann’s departure.

Why Olbermann left is still a mystery. Rumors abound from his being let go because he’s difficult to work with (but still charming, I’m sure), to failed contract negotiations, to Olbermann’s dissatisfaction with his bosses, to a conspiracy involving Comcast’s looming purchase of NBC. Maybe after the recent loss of both his parents and the venomous political landscape we’re currently in, Keith just needed a break.

For whatever reason Countdown is no more, hopefully Keith Olbermann will be back soon. Then, it will be more like a friend moved away or took an extended vacation than I lost a friend. Speculation over what he may do next is full of varied possibilities, and as was said on 360 with Anderson Cooper, like him or dislike him, Keith Olbermann is talented and talent will always find a home.

Maybe he will come home soon. I might even feel like throwing him a welcome back party.

Though, I do hope he doesn’t come back as a sports caster, again. His political commentary is needed. Also, beyond a few points of interest, I would only listen to his sports casts to be polite and not hurt a good friend’s feelings.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Strawberry Ass

This is one of Sugar Tits' favorite anecdotes, and I would be remiss not to post it.

Several years ago, Sugar Tits and I were having lunch at the student union of our shared Alma Mater. I got a strawberry and yogurt parfait, and was fascinated by the way the strawberries jiggled on top of the yogurt... kind of like a little kid... or like I took too much acid in the 90's.

Anyway, I excitedly pointed this out...

Pugnacious J: Look at how this jiggles!

Sugar Tits: It looks like my ass.

Pugnacious J: Your ass has strawberries in it?

Sugar Tits: I wish. That would be one sweet ass!

This is probably one of her favorite anecdotes because Sugar Tits gets the laugh line. I can't blame her--it's a good one.

Zero Gravity Swap

This is the funniest thing I've come across in a long time. Make sure to read the tagline above the title.

Yes, that's a real book, published in 1970. I laughed at least five times today, just thinking about "beaver-pie in the sky."

You can see more awesome covers like this here.

Lack of a Mission Statement

I’ve intended to start a blog for years. Writing is something I used to really enjoy, and have been led to believe I am good at. When I was younger, I was really interested in creative writing but, later, had to accept that I am not a fiction writer and grew out of bad adolescent poetry.

Then, I came to the conclusion I am much more of an essayist. I haven’t had much occasion, though, to write formal or informal essays since graduating from college. This blog is an excuse to do something I enjoy, as well as have something to be held accountable to in order to stop my writing muscles from atrophying any further.

It’s taken years to start this blog because I overcomplicate things and put too much pressure on myself, which leads to my bad habit of analyzing things to death before I finally just say “fuck it” and do what I was originally going to do.

For a long time, I felt I needed a high-concept because I’m not interesting enough on my own to warrant a blog. Eventually, though, I would become dissatisfied with every concept I had and/or doubt my ability to be consistent with the concept and keep it interesting.

Finally, I’m saying “fuck it,” and writing this blog. And you know what? There’s a ton of shitty blogs out there that mine will be better than. I don’t need to follow a concept, and this blog will probably end up a hodgepodge--and that’s okay.

This being said, I am using a kernel of my favorite concept. Hence the title of this blog and my nom de plume. Being a pugnacious contrarian comes rather naturally to me, as friends have often pointed out. So, living up to the title shouldn’t be a struggle.

I want to write a blog I enjoy. Creative, successful people often say they make things to please themselves, first, and that’s usually where the best work comes from. If I write a blog I enjoy, I hope others will enjoy it, too.

A few notes:

My goal is to update no less than weekly. This shouldn’t be too difficult, especially since I have a back catalogue of possible entries from various stops and starts on blogging ventures. If I miss that goal, it will probably be because I have nothing interesting to say that week.

I will swear freely in my entries, as I’ve already done in this “lack of a mission statement.” I don’t think swearing makes one sound less intelligent if done correctly. There is a time and place for everything, and some things are best expressed with swear words.

On occasion, I may review things from various media. I don’t often catch things when they are new releases, so these reviews will probably be behind the curve. If you’re not in the habit of seeing/reading/hearing/playing every new release, either, it shouldn’t matter to you.

Gay porn may randomly appear on this blog. The gay community tends to be very comfortable and frank about porn, and some very good gay cultural blogs make no bones about sometimes writing about porn. I enjoy this sense of freedom, and my follow suit when I see fit.

I’m not comfortable using my real name on this blog. There are people I’m sure I don’t want to find me on the internet, and people I know in the real world who I don’t want reading this blog. Also, I’m sure I will write about stupid people in my everyday life, and I should protect their anonymity. Everyone I write about will be given a nickname, which should be enjoyable, especially when writing about my friends. Speaking of which, none of this may ever matter, because maybe no one but my friends will ever read this blog.