Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dream Girl

I haven't finished the second post that will be dedicated to legibledeb because it's turning out longer than I thought it would, and I have to get ready to spend time with legibledeb in real life.

So, in the meantime, here's something else totally awesome:

I originally found this video on Nightcharm. The unpaid intern who posted it wrote, "Frikkin’ boney ass Gaga can eat it hard at 2:51." I agree.

As campy as this is, I really do like the swingin' brass-heavy arrangement. It could have been served better by a voice like Shirley Bassey, but give Ms. Welch some credit. Her voice is fine, though pitchy, and this was way before auto-tuning.

Also, it seems ahead of it's time. If Labelle had worn bikinis, they would have worn that bikini, and they didn't start dressing like astronaut drag queens until three years later.

There will be more on Racquel Welch, soon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I was going to make this the second post dedicated to legibledeb, but she's very demanding about her gay porn. (I can be demanding about my damn gay porn, too, but I think for different reasons.)

This is Ludovic Canot:

You may have guessed he's not really a man of the cloth.

All the same, he's quite a man.

Ludovic is my favorite porn star. He's french, with the cutest accent... and the cutest moderate grasp of the English language.

He's also a good actor. Look at this still of him acting like he doesn't know what to do with or even want Matt Hughes' giant cock (which is a subject for a post unto its self).

It's a total fucking lie.

I love Ludovic. I even started wearing kelly green just because I'm convinced it's his favorite color.

Butt, bad news. Ludovic has retired from porn.

My favorite quote from the article linked and translated above is, "I did porn and I did it thoroughly." Yes. Yes, he did.

With that body of work, I suppose it's okay to retire. He is writing a book about his experiences in the porn industry, and I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully, it will be published in English, otherwise I'll be typing the whole damn thing into Google translator. Still, it makes me feel sad, sort of like a sad clown.

Hm, I wonder how Ludovic would look as a sad clown.

GODDAMNIT! He's even hot as a homo hobo! He can't retire with talent like that! He's replaced Montgomery Clift in my dirty dirty priest fantasy! Do you know how significant that is? No, you don't, and neither does Ludovic, because if he did he wouldn't fucking retire!

Fuck. I'm going to do some cardio and take a cold shower.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another Aries Project

I apologize for not posting in over two months.

Everyone has been supportive and encouraging me to post... even if it did sound like complaining at times. Really, what happened is I was working on a fairly serious post that was important to me, and didn't get it done by my weekly deadline. I let that get to me, and just stopped posting. Which is silly, I know.

About a month ago, my boyfriend and I were discussing the Zodiac--neither of us put any stock in it, but like many people, we still find it entertaining. I was born under the sign of Aries, and part of the description my boyfriend read of us Arians is that we have a tendency to start projects and not finish them because we are distracted and bored easily. Then, he chided me for doing that with The Contrarian.

Earlier this week, he again told me not to let this blog become just another Aries project, and I said, "Eh, just add it to the pile." But then, he pointed out that The Contrarian had a new follower that had commented a lot on several posts. (He knew this before I did because I hadn't even looked at this blog since my last post, two months ago.)

So, I said I would start posting again, because that actually is pretty motivating.

Over dinner with Chugo, last night, she said that the commenting on posts was meant to motivate me. Well, thank you legibledeb, it worked. The next two posts will be dedicated to you.

I'll do my best not to let this become just another Aries project.

Ps. Is the anonymity aspect annoying? (Is it as annoying as alliteration?) I was afraid it would be from the beginning, and now that legibledeb has already had to retract one comment because of it, I suspect it is annoying. Leave your thoughts in the comments, if you will.